6 research outputs found

    Evolving to Digital and Programmable Value Based Economy: General Prospect and Specific Applications over Sustainability

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    [eng] In the fields of economics, business and management, how could Digital Transformation (DT) advance value creation and reliably encourage value capture, exchange and distribution? This thesis aim to fill that gap with a novel framework to support policy-makers, countries, cities and businesses address the potential value that can be generated and captured by digitalization combining DT and Internet of Value theoretical perspectives and practical applications of them over concrete issues such as sustainability in cities, as an example. For this, it is proposed to make new contributions related to DT and Internet of Value in two main aspects: to explore DT countries’ mindsets when it relates to their value progress through Digital Ecosystems and to advance with the potential digital value applications through Programmable Economy advantages when it focus on concrete aspect such as sustainability in cities. Both perspectives, although it will be applied on different dimensions and on different purposes, have in common that they are focus on digital and programable value based economy and management and want to explore the best way to maximize and capture the DT potential in terms of value for organizations and society. Thus, first, it will be analysed the importance of knowing clearly the digital ecosystem in which the agents are operating in order to reinforce the value creation by promoting the inclusivity and connectivity of the endpoints involved in it. Secondly, it will be analysed how the digital value can be captured, exchanged and redistributed in a complex issues such as sustainability by deploying concrete digital applications that include human reinforcement aspects to, finally, closing the circle combining both perspectives in a single framework. To achieve these objectives in this thesis, own models are proposed, inspired by other theoretical models already contrasted, and some proven methodologies are used related to Conditional Probability, Forgotten Effects and Fuzzy Sets. As a main conclusion, Digital Transformation has the potential to generate immense value for economy and society. Although currently the capture of the vast majority of it is not guaranteed and its distribution between agents is no clear, new formulas are being explored supported by the Internet of Value. This thesis defends that if agents want to advance value creation and encourage value capture, they should consider to make their own Digital and Programmable Value Based Economy and Management framework through: - Allowing all functional agents work in a Digital Ecosystem embracing new relationships and ways of collaborating pursuing the same purpose. - Deploying Programmable Economy applications advantages, mixing digital's and analogue's world that can be interlinked and programmed by the blockchain allowing monetization and exploring new human and machine alliances. - Adopting strong and inclusive agents’ commitment in order to exploit the advantages that this smart economy system has from a human centric vision, discovering new forms of value, considering that, although tech can be everywhere, value not

    La Visión estratégica a través de la 4ª Revolución Industrial. ¿En qué se enfocan las grandes Compañías? = Strategic Vision through 4th Industrial Revolution What Big Companies Focus on?

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Recerca en Empresa, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Claudio Cruz Casares [sic]¿De qué modo las organizaciones y los Ceo’s ajustan su visión estratégica frente a los mega cambios producidos en el entorno? En particular, ¿qué impacto están teniendo los conceptos de Revolución Tecnológica, Industria 4.0 y 4ª Revolución Industrial en la visión estratégica de las empresas? La idea de que estos tres eventos singulares pudieran estar conectados a través de un conjunto de variables comunes, permitiría estudiarlos como un único macro evento singular. Ello podría beneficiar a las empresas y organizaciones de cara a entender su alcance e impacto conjunto y les permitiría visionar su propio encaje sobre los mismos al disponer de un marco de referencia único. Para ser más específicos, se haría necesario hacer un ejercicio de aproximación sobre estos tres eventos singulares determinando sus puntos de conexión frecuentes, y hacerlo desde una mirada amplia que contuviera la perspectiva de los diferentes colectivos implicados. Con este fin, el presente artículo trata, a través de una aproximación descriptiva, de visualizar de manera holística estos tres eventos para conocer sus conexiones y ver cómo las empresas abordan este cambio acelerado del entorno. Lo hace, escaneando el presente y visualizando el futuro de manera transversal para estos eventos en concreto, reconociendo que, a nivel de empresas, existe escasa o nula información pública al respecto. Pretende resaltar la necesaria e imprescindible atención que deben prestar los Ceo’s y los equipos directivos a la “big picture” actual y futura para adecuar su visión estratégica en busca de un equilibrio integral

    Driving Municipal Recycling by Connecting Digital Value Endpoints in Smart Cities

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    Uncontrolled global economic growth at any cost is having palpable and general consequences for SC (smart cities) environments and sustainability worldwide. The current economic growth model is, according to experts, decidedly unsustainable, and if urgent measures are not taken, the quality of life for future citizens will decline. In the search for solutions that would make cities sustainable, the deployment of the ICT factor is playing a decisive role. However, in its role as a driver, the ICT factor needs to increase the numbers of value endpoint connectors by incorporating citizens, corporations and institutions into city decision-making, thereby becoming a real integrative tool that achieves sustainability and is more than merely a tech flag. In this sense, the present paper proposes that the digital and programmable economy as an ecosystem should become a sustainability city driver because it facilitates the integration of different value endpoints in order to work in the same purpose, allowing, for example, increased sustainability levels in cities such as improving municipal recycling. This paper will apply ICT and digital concepts, the environment-social-economy model and fuzzy logic methodology

    Digital and programmable economy applications: A smart cities congestion case by fuzzy sets

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    Currently, cities are facing great challenges such as the population growing, citizen wellbeing, externalities management or environmental deterioration. The search for solutions are making significant inroads into the incorporation of ICT in them and subsequent large-scale digitalization such as programmable economy (PE) applications, offering the possibility to develop new approaches over these issues, in particular which related to sustainability management. Operating under a fuzzy numbers methodology and FIS (Fuzzy Inference System), the present exploratory work shows a new approach to city urban congestion management by deploying PE applications, which include some disruptive inputs such as the Internet of value, blockchain/DLT (distributed ledger, technology), smarts contracts, digital assets and the monetization, all of this combined with the human motivation